Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I went and showed the prospector what I'd found out about his mystery metal and the battery I was working on. He was blown away by it and wants to know if I'll stay out here and work for him making batteries. I said no but gave him schematics on what I've worked on and offered to keep him posted on anything else I came up with. I want to go home.

I also have been messing around with some scrap electronics from a radioshack, a stripper clip of bullets to the guys using it as a root cellar and I got free access to all the old stock still around, and have a small tablet working now. The laptop is nice but it, the solar panel, the car battery and the satellite transceiver is heavy enough that it's troublesome for hiking around with it unless I'm in a group and there's some talk that the 12 of us are probably going to start splitting up in Vegas. Rogan's wife should be somewhere there, so he'd have no reason to go further west than there, while Doyel (Tahoe's opposite number from the air force, intelligence, jokes are a bit crude but always well timed. Canadian Ex-pat, signed on with the airforce and scored top marks and got the pick of the job options) and Wade have said they're considering staying here in SLC. Though personally I'd say they'd only last a week before a joke got them tarred and ran out on a rail, they are religious, but the humor is crass enough that some of the locals occasionally take offense.

Anyway tablet is some nokia thing I found, pretty bombproof more or less, I mean two years later the screen's not cracked or damaged and when I gave it a charge it came to life so there's that, and with a whole radioshack's stock to work with I replaced a few of the burnt out and terrible hardware and through some guides I found on the internet boosted the internal radio strength enough that in theory I could do the same trick I'm using for the laptop with it, with negotiations taking so long I'm tempted to keep experimenting.

Additionally I've had a couple more dreams similar to the one where I saw the progression of humankind from start to spacefaring odyssey. The latest one I could see the pillar of basalt from where I was sitting tending a fire on the floor of a desert basin. The coyote from the first dream was there and sitting opposite me across the fire... I heard it speaking but understood nothing. Not a single word. After a while it's like it just knew whatever it was trying to tell me was going over my head and it wandered off into the desert without me...I wonder if there's someone out here who does dream interpretation. Might see if I can bother the druids some about this.

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