Monday, March 2, 2015

Can't sleep. Testing the tablet's radio and connection to the net.

Additionally I've had it running for the last five days on one of my experimental batteries. Still holding charge and the multimeter show's no drop in voltage, I even rigged up a dummyload testing using a toaster fillament.. though to be honest I am not an electrical engineer, nor do I fully comprehend it... for all I know when it runs dry the batter might go critical and explode in a subatomic fireworks display.

I really hope I'm joking, but well I got to see a cave arcing electricity between veins of reddish half melted copper ore... sooooo....I think a lot of traditional laws of physics may have gone out the window at some point during the last two years.

Anyway we're finally leaving Salt Lake City... as nice as the town (and weird as some of the people are) it's nice to get moving again. We've sat around for too long.. I probably could have walked all the way home. Speaking of, on a whim I tried calling home on the tablet. Lines disconnected. Hopefully that's just because my dad didn't see the point of keeping it connected what with the apocolypse and surviving the fallout being a more pressing concern.

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