Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Today, a plane flew into the airport.... Everyone in town just stopped and stared as it circled, waggled the wings as if it was waving then turned towards the runway.  It was strangely abnormal compared to every day life. It was some kind of propeller driven cargo plane, I don't think anyone actually expected to see a plane considering the storm that whipped through from the east last night.

On a whim I poked around one of the public libraries. An ancient looking lady with a ruler as long as I am tall nearly took my head off when I coughed louder than was "acceptable"....I'm assuming she's the head librarian. Anyway I looked up the index card for the public record on the building the druid's tree grew out of. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories but it was a joint ownership of Dow, Monsanto and a Chinese firm that I couldn't read, much less figure out the phonetic pronunciation as there aren't any Chinese people out here to translate for me.

Reviewing what I wrote down and typed from my dream...I dunno. I guess it is kinda calming to me.

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