Saturday, July 4, 2015

Back in the saddle again.

Happy fourth of July everyone. Historically the celebrated founding day of the U.S. and consequently the day the world actually ended. Decided to post the celebratory post about the 5th a bit early, for those of you who've been living under a rock, or in a bunker (the crazy few that still are) the 5th is called N-day short for the day of the new world.

Anyway, those batteries I mucked about with in Utah. Trump's R&D team started selling them, much better and more refined than what I put together, however it's stupidly expensive due to how rare the ore used in them is, rumor has it there's only three sources off in Utah, and how they haven't been able to replicate the material's magical nature. the short of it is it's a rare material and it's hazardous to mine because it naturally builds up a charge and has a tendency to arc off.

Also if anyone is reading this and is off near cape Canaveral there's an open reward for usable materials and data from the space center out there deliverable to Vandanberg afb. This is includes a second larger reward for the heavy lift crawler, or parts.... so if you want to drive that from florida to the west coast go for it. Reward's being offered by the survivors of a few of the private firms and some of the government space cases that've started getting the national space center beta site up and running.... somehow this included convincing the russians to ship over the Buran, some scientists and a starter kit for building a heavy launch rocket since their cosmodrome got trashed during the war.

And that's enough about the world, now to small matters.

I had a big stupid post thought up and mostly typed out but have decided against it, the basic gist of it is that I got into an argument with my was kind of a long time coming over my goals in life and him not wanting me to end up in a similar situation to how he was with his brothers regarding the family farm and ranch, and well it ended up with me in self exile... which is why I'm now crashing on the couch of one of my brothers figuring out what to do next working odd-jobs and sneaking into the Alamedan-DMZ to collect scrap, trinkets, stuff from people's homes.

It's surprising how much people will pay for a keepsake from before the war, especially to people who can sneak past poorly equipped patrols who've never dealt with magically enhanced stealth... really they need to keep up with what's been going on with the world regarding magic.... it's funny how quickly people have tried to make some kind of normalcy out of a very abnormal world.

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