Saturday, November 14, 2015

Back in SLC, rain and snow made the mining operations too dangerous to be done because of electrical discharges from the electrum, so that's done for the season.

On an unrelated note the material's been nicknamed electrump which when mispronounced sounds like "elect trump"... which is kinda funny since he's too busy making money to even consider running for office for anything, just as long as no one gets in the way of him shipping products I guess.

Looking for more work just to keep from going stir crazy mostly. I made enough guarding the mining site to make it through the winter though, even if I weren't rooming at the dow barrows I could still live comfortably.

not much to say beyond that other than the CR and SLC folks are still arguing and it looks like the military is going to be hard pressed to keep the peace.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Still guarding the mining operations.. not much to say beyond that.