Monday, March 13, 2017

Some of you have wondered and messaged me where I've gone. No I haven't vanished or wandered through another time dialation field.

The fact of the matter is for The Order has had me doing work. Odd jobs, fetch and get-it kind of stuff and been letting me use an empty cot and keep me fed. Yes the food hasn't been that good, and yes I've had to abide by their rules, some of which includes "no posting every little damn thing you do for anyone that can get a net connection to see". However the weather is starting to clear out, and that means other people are going to be needing my services again, and I'm already in talks with some people regarding some equipment they'd like to salvage out of the ashlands provided they can get it cleared with the SLC... they also want someone who's experienced enough with magic and the ashlands to be able to determine if the equipment is safe to salvage, or if it'll be like a thunder egg again.

Speaking of, I had the opportunity to make a short trip into the ashlands recently along with a couple other stalkers to teach some of the order folks how to survive out there (yes I do have permission to post about this since it's not really important to keeping their forces secure and keeping order between the SLC and CR). During the trip a couple of the order soldiers found some thunder eggs, and to demonstrate the destructive power of them we threw one into a gravitational anomaly (gravity well+self contained geode of magic= floating crackling thunder, at least that was the idea at the time), which made an impressive light show, released the magic and then temporarily dispersed the gravitational anomaly. What we also got out of it were the pieces of a thunder egg fused with ash that turned to glass during the magic release.... there's something odd about them but no one's really figured out if there's anything truly special about them, or if they're just good for trinkets that can be sold on a street corner... Other than that, taught the scrubs how to use pocket junk (rocks, coins, spent shell casings, bolts, etc) to identify magical anomalies and their areas of effect. No one died and we didn't get snatched up by inter-dimensional bullshit... At this point that's my threshold for a good day I guess.

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