Monday, July 27, 2015

Defining a STALKER part II

So.. I thought I was going to get out of this one but apparently people want to know what the acronym people think Stalker is made of means... to quote a wise man, I do not think it means what you think it means.

anyway, common vernacular for some people who deal in the business of item acquisition aside, this is what the supposed acronym stands for: Scavengers, Trespassers,  Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers.

Wandered over into San Jose because I'd heard Axel was out there running a tailoring shop. When he looked up from the counter he broke out laughing saying "I thought one of you was skulking about around here." Asked him to make some modifications to my gear, re-etching the runes on my goggles, adding a couple layers of light cloth stitched up with runes to soften impacts to my vest, that kind of stuff. He even re-did the hood so that it will stay up even during the worst storms and gives the wearer enhanced vision at night. Generally he does't do more complex runes like this except for people who survived out in the ashlands, or for people who pay very...very well. Afterwards I stopped at one of the Fry's electronics which has now grown and taken over half the shopping center and is now called "Fry's Electronic Empire"... I swear if it wren't for the lighting I'd swear these guys in here were cyborgs.... kinda interesting to meet the people who are now maintaining the internet and keeping the limited connectivity alive. They took a unique interest into the battery and electrum ore (it's what I'm calling it anyway) I had and for a chunk about the size of a C-cell battery they took the time to condense my Laptop, car battery, satellite phone and solar panel setup into a single unit, boosted the antennae power. Also some kind of voodoo bullshit to fully weatherproof it... they've asked me to field test it.... I told them I'm taking it to an active volcano and they got all bright eyed and excited like this was the ultimate field test.

Made a trip home and sorted some stuff out with my dad... we're not on the best of terms, but at least I now know I didn't disown myself. Apparently he's the one who told Leishey where he and Eivan might find me so we couldn't have parted on as bad a terms as I thought we had. Speaking of, Leishey's grouped up with his ecologist at the Stanislaus Campus to lay the groundwork and get it approved so we have more funding than whatever we can find that isn't nailed down and has tasked Eivan and myself with getting out to Salt Lake City to prep for the expedition and gather intelligence for what's going on out there since word of mouth really isn't that reliable.

So while Eivan looks for some work to take us that way, probably some kind of courier job that requires armed guards, I'm helping some of the locals hunt down the guy that's been killing stalkers.

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