Lot of stuff happened yesterday, was actually trying to sleep cause it's cold and snowy out. Anyway the noise of them is what woke me up.
Some of you may have seen them, planes in the air. Thought I was dreaming or going crazy, or that I had gone crazy and nothing had actually happened and the bombs never actually fell. Then I got really fearful because the planes were dropping things.
Because of that I spent a couple hours inside expecting more bombs to hit. turns out they were crates of leaflets, MRE's medical stuff.
Here's the full text of the leaflet.
"We the People's Republic of China have seen fit to lend our support to the struggling Citizens of the United States of America after their rabid military generals callously attacked their own populace with nuclear weapons in an attempt to quell the Socialist uprising that had begun to gain traction after disarmament and peace talks failed in 2010.
This People's Army care package contains enough rations and medical supplies for four families for one week. Long enough for final preparations to be completed and proper supply lines to be established for the People's Army to lend Aid.
Lt. Commander Yao
Peoples Republic of China
People's Army Ministry of Propaganda
Beijing China"
I think I know what I'm going to have to do now. Hopefully I can get an actual answer out of the Navy personnel in Lemoore. I really hope this isn't true.. About us nuking ourselves.
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