Thursday, January 31, 2013

Didn't enlist, however I am working for the navy. Officially I'm an independent contractor, thaough they still ran me through basic along with the other actual recruits.

Over the last few days I've ran around the valley checking the stocks at the national guard armories in advance to determine which ones were available for use.

Fresno is unreachable
Hanford is stocked
Lemoore is already being cleared out for gear
Fresno Country Island (out in the middle of nowhere between towns disguised as a farm labor camp) is partially stocked. the logbooks I found show that half the ammunition and rifles had been moved north to Mariposa Artillery.

And that is the sum of everything that happened this week.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Of all the things that could have happpened.. politics.

So, the Russians have declared ware on the Chinese, the Chinese  have effectively invaded the U.S, there was an announcement on all frequencies made by the new president, Glauchester is it it seems, that citizens are to resist against any invaders and Aid is to be met with scpeticism, and the Russians that flew in are offering assistance against the Chinese.

The recon jets that flew over Fresno reported that it looked like the Chinese forces at the air base had pushed into the city proper, but were meeting with resistance and in armed conflict, though at the altitude they were flying it was impossible to tell who the chinese were fighting.

The population of Leemoore  is currently in the middle of a vote to determine whether to accept assistance from the Russians or not, and the navy is accepting all citizens willing to enlist and running them through training as quickly as possible. More or less basic but sped up.

Not sure what I'm going to do. I know the motor pool would welcome me on their team, but I wouldn't have the freedom to run around like I've been doing.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Couple more planes landed today, the Soviets are definitely here, though there hasn't been any word as to why they're here yet.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Most of this week has been.

"Base gets shelled" All clear is announced, and repairs get done.

Some plane landed at the air base. Scuttlebut is that it's an envoy from the Russians.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lot of stuff's happened in the last two days. Navy ordered all civilians to evacuate the base, and about mid-afternoon the base got shelled. A couple of the city suburbs got caught up in the shelling and so the navy's been split between  repairs on base and rescue efforts in the affected city areas. I've been running a dozer most of today compacting dirt along the damaged potion of the runway. for some reason no one in the motor pool actually knew how to operate it. I spent a couple hours in the morning teaching a couple of the mechanics how to drive one.

Everything feels shook loose from driving the tractor. Don't want to diss on my dad's farm but it was a lot nicer than our D-6. A newer D-9.

All the jets were in the armored storage, and it'd take more than an artillery barrage to get through the plating.

Whoever was working on it got the radar systems working again mid-morning. According to the one of the announcements over the loludspeakers it's a clusterfuck of air traffic to the north of us at Fresno, no IFF's so it's presumed to be chinese.

They're also picking up a lot of traffic near Castle Air base and Mariposa extreme range artillery, though the transponder codes show them to be various U.S. aircraft some miltary and come civillian, the ones at mariposa are civilian helicopters, Korea Era Hueys  converted into spray rigs probably, and then probably commandeered or something.

Other than that not much to talk about.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Well now that the comm's blackout is over I can post about yesterday and today.

Long story short is the Chinese have landed, and are in control of Fresno International, and the adjoining air base.

When the recon team got back with the radar components they let us know that the entire air attack bas was crawling with Chinese, though they'd left the civilian airfield alone for the most part, aside from using it to land heavy freight planes.

It's probably safe to assume this is happening all along the West coast.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Back in Lemoore. Made a trip yesterday to my apartment, nothing else was in the cache that I haven't already mentioned.

A tenth of an acre really isn't too big anyway, it's only a 66 foot diameter circle. I can probably guess that the maps lead to other caches around the state.

More planes in the air.

The navy troops have asked me to write down everything I've seen where I've been, things like that. I'm not sure why they're asking me when they have working vehicles too, but it gives me something to do when not working on cars.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saw some planes in the sky. It's common knowledge the radar on base is still down. Everyone seems to be waiting to see what's going to come of it.

Got a soldier to look at the maps. He said they're legal land descriptions down to the tenth of an acre and that I'm probably missing something that goes along with them. So tomorrow I'm going to go back to my apartment and check the cache again.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

That trip into the motor-pool was surprisingly informative. A lot of the electrical systems are easily bypassed and I don't need to be rewiring the entire electrical harness.

Made a trip back to Reedley to get those maps and see if any of the soldiers recognize the markings on them.  On the way back to Lemoore I decided to drive up to Fresno and find out what's happening up there.

The short form of it is that the city is divided into three districts now. Everything north of the 180 is more or less controlled by the police force, while the southern half of Fresno is split in half by Highway 41 and controlled by two different gangs. the East is under the watch of the Bulldogs, and the west is controlled by the Italians. Most of the druggies were forced out into area around the 180/41 interchange. All three districts are pretty orderly, surprisingly, and they're allowing people to move between, however they're subject to going through checkpoints and outsiders can only go in certain areas. the police officers I spoke with said they were shocked at how organized the Bulldogs were so soon after the bombs hitting.

Back in Lemoore now.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Got ahold of that lieutenant yesterday.

So the short of it is, what the information they had before they lost communications with everyone else was, that the projected targets were almost textbook for an attack with the intent to invade and take over. Targeted strikes at military locations, but leaving the civilian population centers and useful infrastructure, for the most part alone. Probably the only reasons NAS Lemoore wasn't hit directly was that it 's surrounded by useful farmland.

He also couldn't confirm or deny what the chinese propaganda packets said.

It's kinda weird letting civilians onto the base, the navy personal seem weirded out by it as well as the civilians  but it's probably easier to organize rations and care on base rather than going out into the city. Most of what the people are saying are either they don't believe the Chinese, or they think it was an accident rather than intentional.

As an added bonus I've kinda gotten a cozy job working with a couple friends getting cars operational again for folks. I guess because I have a working jeep it somehow makes me an expert to a lot of the people out here.

Earlier today they got a couple jets operational, and people started cheering when they heard them scream down the runway and take off to do an aerial survey. Other than that haven't seen any other planes in the sky, and the radar unit is fubar. the motor pool guys asked me to come over to see how I'm getting the cars working again. And I'm curious to see on their side of the fence. Going to do that tomorrow.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Been waiting for a straight answer for a day and a half now. To be honest I don't even think these guys know what exactly happened. All the talk among the servicemen at the NAS is about the airdrops from the chinese, and what to do.

To be honest I think if our own military had nuked us it'd be a bit more thorough.

I did overhear a Lieutenant say something about the way the bombs fell matching something he'd read in one of the prep books during basic. I'm going to try and find him again and ask a couple questions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lot of stuff happened yesterday, was actually trying to sleep cause it's cold and snowy out. Anyway the noise of them is what woke me up.

Some of you may have seen them, planes in the air. Thought I was dreaming or going crazy, or that I had gone crazy and nothing had actually happened and the bombs never actually fell. Then I got really fearful because the planes were dropping things.

Because of that I spent a couple hours inside expecting more bombs to hit. turns out they were crates of leaflets, MRE's medical stuff.

Here's the full text of the leaflet.

"We the People's Republic of China have seen fit to lend our support to the struggling Citizens of the United States of America after their rabid military generals callously attacked their own populace with nuclear weapons in an attempt to quell the Socialist uprising that had begun to gain traction after disarmament and peace talks failed in 2010.

This People's Army care package contains enough rations and medical supplies for four families for one week. Long enough for final preparations to be completed and proper supply lines to be established for the People's Army to lend Aid.


Lt. Commander Yao
Peoples Republic of China
People's Army Ministry of Propaganda
Beijing China"

I think I know what I'm going to have to do now.  Hopefully I can get an actual answer out of the Navy personnel in Lemoore. I really hope this isn't true.. About us nuking ourselves.